Sunday, December 2, 2007

power games

The revolution starts in people's minds. We are nobodies in the face of the law.

Dead Confederate's myspace headline: " A soldier shot twice quits keeping score "

In college I was astounded by social consciousness and intellectual awakening. I worshiped dreamers and thinkers. As time goes on after college, I'm less impressed with these qualities than with individuals who have the fire and guts to confront the evils that threaten liberty and life. Not a single person I know, including myself, is incapable of pursuing the most courageous and virtuous vision of themselves.

Hope that this pursuit is worth pursuing is being raped and gorged by the entity of the status quo, complacency of the middle/working class, and the judicial system.

My thoughts are not righteous anymore. Nor are they evil. I'm giving way to rage and resignation because these emotions come from a pure place at the moment. I want to be happy, and certain things that have always made me happy still do, but this violation of my family and my values makes me rethink where power comes from, and how the powerless (i.e. you reading this fucking blog) can make any difference in the face of this insurmountable evil. I am in desperate need of hope that anyone can make a difference at all.

By the way, Dead Confederate are really really good and live in Athens now. The Sonic Youth covers were pristine last night, it was fucking glorious.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Life, 1 year out of school, and what it's about.

(((i came to this city to find myself out
and i found i'm everything the right could do without
i'm burning myself at the stake over my past and my present
bringing myself up to level with all the other disenchanted
i can't look at the news without getting sick
i can't smoke without knowing i'd be arrested in a tick)))

i became the street, i feed the ghetto
ride with pride in my economy mobile
cling to necessary material possessions
but ultimately i'm broke get a real job get stiff
get fucked mentally for not doing what i know i should
follow your dreams, follow your heart, have hope because hope is love
and without love this fucking world falls apart
so to make love i gotta be love
and i can't sell love so what the fuck do i sell
and stay honest, true to myself
i was born out of reaganomics, the death of a salesman's sperm telling me life is in money
the graduate in my father snuffed out like the dream of the easy rider
still in debt, oh my god
a life of righteousness drowned by capitalism and lust
sold his kids the dream of being like him,
a fastfood dad, rich and virtuous culture

when the rome plows come for america i want to be in
an escape pod with all the dreamers and lovers
playing defiantly harder and better and faster and stronger
keep my blood pumping and know that i'm alive,
you're only human, you have 5 senses
i can detonate a mine in at least one of them, so can you
i can make my sound loud enough so you can hear, so can you
i can wave my hands and feet fanatically enough for you to see, so can you
i can lodge a subversion in your mind, something you can taste touch and feel
i'm not the first to do it but i'm in the fucking minority
and that makes me want to go harder better faster stronger until
empathy, intellect, compassion, and love
are on the headlines of drudge report
i'm not a pussy i just want to stay alive i want to do the right things
but the right things are wrong in this god forsaken Bible Belt,
to survive in conflict requires strength and my battlefield is in my mind,
my mind requires strength and that strength does not come from one Book,
but from every other conflicted mind who dares wave a flag of defiance as well
there is strength in unity, let us unite through our discontent
this is my punk rock declaration.